Gaaaaaaaaaazpacho !

Even for those without "the right knobby parents"!!

Okay so it’s not 25th November (official Gazpacho Soup Day – see video below) lol, but the constant hot weather here is perfect for a light cold meal right now 🙂

This recipe comes from an old, out of print Tex-Mex cookbook I’ve had since 1991 (yes, I am pretty anal so I did write the date I bought it, in the front of the book!). The book is a bit dated now, but still has some quite good, easy recipes in it – and you can’t get much more simple than this refreshing soup.

Gazpacho Soup

1/2 cucumber, peeled or unpeeled (I don’t bother peeling it – why make work for yourself unnecessarily)

1/2 red or white onion (I use red for a stronger flavour)

1/2 ripe avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced or chopped

1/2 tsp dried oregano leaves

3 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp wine vinegar

1 litre (4 cups) tomato juice

cracked pepper, to taste

ice cubes to serve

2 fresh limes, cut into wedges, to serve

Chop cucumber and onion in small pieces (use a mandolin if you have one). Place in a bowl along with avocado, oregano, oil and vinegar.  Stir in tomato juice and pepper to taste.  Chill for a few hours to allow flavours to develop.

When ready to serve, ladle into bowls with 2 or 3 ice cubes in each bowl. Serve with lime wedges.

Makes 4 serves.

Dedicated to Arnold J Rimmer and Smegheads worldwide! Go the Dwarf…..

Happy Fooding!

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Jessie Buckley
    Mar 05, 2011 @ 15:00:16

    Great Red Dwarf reference Chelle 🙂 i love the video. Looks very refreshing too


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