A Valentine’s Win!

My goodness, life has been crazy since Christmas…..which is why you haven’t heard from me for over a month! As well as socialising and work, I sold an apartment in Adelaide and have bought an apartment here in Perth. I’ve moved temporarily last weekend, as my rental lease was expiring, and I move again in 3 weeks’ time, to the new apartment. Life is full of good things, but with packing, paperwork, moving etc I have actually not done a huge amount of cooking, with very little experimenting of anything new. Most of my kitchen stuff and appliances are currently in boxes, so I am making do with basics. There has been a lot of takeaway pizza and Indian food in my life recently!

I am really looking forward to moving in to a new place, hopefully for a longer time than I’ve lived in any one place in the last 11 years, and unpacking ALL of my gorgeous dinnerware, baking dishes, gadgets etc – a lot of which has actually stayed in the box during the last 2 years and not seen the light of day. My partner and I are hanging out to do some real entertaining, once we’ve moved in, unpacked and worked out what new pieces of furniture will suit the apartment. It is also conveniently located close to the Swan River, and 5 minutes walk from our favourite pub!

Anyway, I did have some Valentine’s Day excitement on Friday. About 2 weeks ago, I entered one of those Facebook competitions where you have to like the page and make a comment. The comment question was, describe your favourite picnic spot. The prize was a salmon picnic “hamper” from Huon Aquaculture, a premium salmon company in beautiful Tasmania.

I described my favourite picnic place as Mt Franklin in Victoria – it is a beautiful, serene spot in the middle of an extinct volcano bowl. Haven’t been there for a few years as I live on the opposite side of the country these days, but it will always be somewhere I love going back to.

Imagine my surprise last Wednesday when I saw on fb that I had WON! Not only that, but as it was a Valentine’s Day prize, the intention was that I receive the hamper by the 14th – no mean feat considering the mail between the East and West coast of Australia is generally not know to be super fast. The team at Huon, however pulled it off, and on Friday afternoon I was delighted to have a parcel delivered to the door:


Inside was two packets of smoked salmon, salmon pate, a packet of crackers, some gourmet chocolates, a bottle of Tasmanian Home Hill bubbly, and a picnic rug. All my favourite things and all for ME!


My day had started with roses and chocolates in bed, and I was also taken out for a surprise Valentine’s dinner at The Naked Fig, where we enjoyed a delicious 3 course meal and of course some champers.

All in all, a pretty special day with me being totally spoilt from start to finish. And I still have my yummy picnic goodies to enjoy 🙂

Happy Fooding!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jane
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 13:18:56

    What a delicious start to the year…it’s going to be a good one x


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